Netsortech is dedicated to optimizing facilities management solutions through innovation, efficiency, and sustainability, ensuring seamless operations, maximizing value for our clients, fostering confidence, and enhancing a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.
We will undertake a thorough assessment of your entire property, encompassing its plant and equipment. Our objective is to document our findings meticulously so that you retain oversight of servicing, maintenance, and repairs. Many properties present unique issues and specific construction requirements that are frequently unfamiliar or unrecorded by most management teams. In the event of a facilities manager's departure, critical information may go uncommunicated, thereby exposing the property to potential losses.
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This letter serves to confirm that I had the pleasure and privilege of working with Mr. Van Zyl for the last two years in his capacity as Senior Facilities Manager for the Lagoon Beach Hotel. Steve possesses a wealth of knowledge in several fields which include but is not limited to engineering, facilities management, risk management, construction, forensic investigations and project management.
I have found Steve to be an ethical man always striving to do the right thing and to ensure that other people do the right thing too. I have come to trust Steve implicitly. His wealth of experience and knowledge in relation to building management and administration was of great help and use to me in the management of the Lagoon Beach Body Corporate and the Hotel itself. Steve works incredibly hard and never once waivered if we needed to call on him after hours or beyond the normal scope of his job – a true rare quality these days. If I was facing a fight and backed in a corner, I would want to have Steve behind or with me. He is tenacious and will fight tooth and nail for what he believes. Steve leaves us to pursue his own business venture and my absolute best wishes accompany him on his journey. Given the opportunity I would re-employ Steve in a heartbeat!
Steve: 081 270 9772 |
Cape Town, South Africa
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